Saturday, November 28, 2009

If I Had a Tag About My Temper It Would Definitely Be the Highest on that List on the Left There.

I'm at home! I realize I am not always completely enthusiastic about this (I guess I bitched about being home a lot over summer because the day before I left I was telling Tando about how excited I was to go home, and he was like, "really?"), but this time I'm only home for like four days, which is the perfect amount, apparently. It's just enough time to eat a lot of food that is not scrambled eggs with spam and enjoy the little luxuries of life like a car and memory foam and two-ply tissues.

Today when my mom was driving with me and my sister she told us about this Taiwanese talk show she was watching, in which they had celebrity husband/wife pairs on the show. There was this one middle-aged couple where the lady was a movie star a generation ago and has since stop working and the husband was Korean (I'm not sure if that was his profession -- this is just the description I was given). One of the younger guests on the show was telling the lady about how he admired her because he watched her shows while he was growing up. Apparently this incensed the husband because he felt the other guy was implying that his wife was old and he was afraid that this would hurt her feelings. So he confronted the guy and was like "please don't speak to my wife that way" and everyone on set kinda froze and was like "uhmm" and it was super awkward and the other guy kept apologizing because that wasn't his intention.

Anyway the whole point of that was how different Iz and my reactions were compared to our mom's. Iz and I were like "omg how awkward and embarrassing!" and my mom was like "really? I think it's kind of sweet how he stands up for his wife like that.." and then our conversation became a little awkward.

So maybe it's a generational difference, because my mom is still awed by men who publicly show affection for their wives, whereas Iz and I are thinking that we'd want guys who can conduct themselves in society (and on talk shows) without creating awkward silences. Like, yes it's nice when a guy is willing to hold your hand when you're out in public or even (gasp) say "I love you" within earshot of others, but it's also awesome when they can control their tempers and not freak everyone out when you go on Maury because you're pretty sure he's the father but it wouldn't hurt to make sure and also you've always wanted to meet Maury Povich.

Aggressive guys make me skittish. This is a carryover from having grown up with the Angry Asian Dad -- you know, when everything's dandy when they're happy because they buy you presents but when they're mad you better run for cover because they'll start throwing TV remotes? But apparently I've learned to live with skittishness because most of my past relationships have been characterized by really passionate arguments, and if you've ever tried to carry out a one-sided passionate argument you know that it's pretty futile. It's hard to feel satisfied when you're the only one throwing dinnerware. I mean I guess I could try for something low-key and peaceful but I think I'm too young for that and at this point in my life my temper is kinda so bad that I need someone who's equally hot-headed or else all the suppression will cause my head to explode. Actually I think I'm perpetuating this incorrect view of myself because honestly I'm not that volatile and I don't know why every blog post ends with me talking about damaging property.

Okay this is like the lamest blog post ever but I'm writing it on Iz's computer because mine won't connect to the internet at home so I have to plug it in in the study and it's too cold to be anywhere but under covers and she's laying next to me waiting to reclaim her laptop and speeding up the process by occasionally rubbing her leg against mine and IT'S FREAKING ME OUT. GOODBYE.

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