Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ask Jamerz.

The other night I was sitting innocently in the den, doing wholesome things like protecting the rainforest and saving puppies from drowning when my sister sends me the following message:

[Iz] (9:43:12 PM): why do ppl have anal sex?

As in such cases when I'm not sure what to reply, I pass the question off to one of my more eloquent friends.

Carolyn (9:43:58 PM): hey
jam3rz (9:44:04 PM): howdy do
Carolyn(9:44:06 PM): iz has a question
jam3rz (9:44:27 PM): what is it?
Carolyn (9:44:29 PM): Iz (9:43:12 PM): why do ppl have anal sex?
jam3rz (9:45:08 PM): so that they can stay pure for christ

And just like that? Question answered. This is why I have friends, everyone.

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