Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wuh PAH. Brain Ninja Style.

The other day Iz and I were chilling in the den when she suddenly bursts into laughter and forwards me the following:

Instant Messaging conversation between
Iz and Poops
(who, for the record, are currently 500 miles apart)

Poops: So can I dota?
Poops: Wait
Poops: Why Am I asking permission
Poops: Psh
Poops: But seriously babe
Poops: Are you fine with it?

And that was when I decided a post about whipped boyfriends was in order. Oh, and just before we start, Iz would like to insert a little disclaimer:

Iz: he's not whipped :(
Iz: he whips himself :(
Me: he bought you an iphone
Iz: it was out of love though

And with that cleared up, I present..

Carolyn's Hall of Whipped Boyfriends, none of whom actually belong to her because she is apparently not as baller as these whip-wielding girlfriends out there

It turns out that when I decided to ask for people's most whipped moments, I opened a can of little whipped worms because boy are there a lot of whipped boys in my immediate circle of friends. Some stories are kind of sad and complex, like Jamerz', and some are really short and funny, like Tando's, and then there are just a million in between, because my guy friends have no backbone. Just kidding, guys! Your ladies are lucky to have you.

#1. Jamerz' Story
jam3rz (10:25:19 PM): for whatever reason, [his ex best friend slash girlfriend] had a strong dislike for [teenie]
jam3rz (10:25:37 PM): and she thought that because i was her best friend
jam3rz (10:25:45 PM): it reflected poorly on her that i was friends with teenie
jam3rz (10:25:53 PM): something about how how her best friend shouldn't be friends with her enemy
jam3rz (10:26:10 PM): how i should be on her side of the dispute
jam3rz (10:26:11 PM): so she told me that she wasn't okay with me being friends with teenie
jam3rz (10:26:41 PM): at first, i was like "that's ridiculous, i'll be friends with who i want"
jam3rz (10:26:59 PM): but over time, she subtly convinced me that she was right
jam3rz (10:27:02 PM): brain-ninja style
jam3rz (10:27:23 PM): and so, one day i was talking to teenie, and i friend-broke-up with her
jam3rz (10:27:40 PM): i dont remember what i said or how i justified it
jam3rz (10:27:42 PM): but in the days following that event, i felt terrible about it
jam3rz (10:28:05 PM): my soul was unsettled by my actions
jam3rz (10:28:14 PM): so, naturally, i called up [a good hs friend]
jam3rz (10:28:28 PM): went over to his house, and drank alcohol for the first time in my life
jam3rz (10:28:35 PM): and drunk dialed teenie and apologized
me (10:28:38 PM): that's so sweet!!
jam3rz (10:28:42 PM): HAHA
jam3rz (10:28:48 PM): not the reaction i was expecting

#2. Tando's Story
Some girl I liked offered me a ride home once so I accepted. After she dropped me off, I began the long trek back to my work at 1 am to pick up my car. Does that count?

Oh Tando. Yes.

#3. Jchaq's Story
In high school my good friend Jchaq was dating a girl and head over heels for her. She once made one of those girl-comments, joking about how the front passenger seat in his car was "hers." Apparently he took it completely to heart, because from that day on no one else was allowed in shotgun. It got to the point where, if we had to take a group excursion, it took some convincing for him to concede that his car could take four passengers, not just three. The first time we actually found out about his special rule was when one of our friends, who had a broken arm, was getting into the front seat so she wouldn't have to be jostled with the rest of us in the back.
"Uhm," Jchaq had said. "you can't sit there. It's reserved."
"What?" someone said. "For your imaginary friend?"
It got so ridiculous that the teasing he suffered eventually made its rounds back to his girlfriend, who was appalled and incensed that he had taken her seriously and in doing so inadvertently created the general impression that she was insane. Talk about a whipped intention gone horribly wrong.

So originally I was going to include an Excel chart in this post listing ridiculously extravagant gifts purchased in the name of love, but I think I'll make that a part two. Meaning I still need to get off my lazy butt (or on it, as the case may be) and finish that thing so you may or may not see it in the future.


  1. i agree with christine :)
    this was funny haha
    i want to see that exel sheet missy!
