Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Literally a Crappy Day.

My day thus far can be summed up in one sentence: "SOMETHING POOPED ON MY ICE CREAM."

This is how it came about.

I got to work today planning to take lunch at 12 noon. It was my usual time, and I had made plans with Mango to get free yogurt (our school newspaper had coupons, and we had gathered about half a dozen copies -- our living room table was currently covered in unread Daily Bruins). Through an unfortunate series of miscommunications, my lunchtime was shifted to the 1:00 spot. I was unhappy. I was close to throwing what Teenerz would call a BF. Only remembering that I was neither a child nor a diva (not to mention the fact that I desperately need the income this job generates) kept the bitch fit from erupting. Also I would like to cling to my dignity for as long as possible -- at least until I go to Vegas with my coworkers next week.

With that said, I was resigned to my fate. I allowed my coworker to cajole me into walking down to get ice cream. Despite reservations (weight, money, what else is new?) I got a single scoop of Medieval Madness. I was on my way to being content, even happy. Then what happens? SOMETHING POOPS ON MY ICE CREAM.

The worst part is I don't even know what did it. The.. substance was brown, and my coworker swore it looked more like tree sap than bird feces (perhaps a self-serving belief, as it splattered onto his shirt and pants after terrorizing my ice cream) but I had my doubts. Especially since it happened in the middle of a crosswalk, and there would have had to be a mighty breeze to carry one glop of sap all the way to where we were.

The bright side of all this is that hopefully the day will only get better. I mean, as soon as I go wash my hands.

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